Mood Lifting Fragrances: Now it’s Official!

It has long been thought that experiencing a favourite fragrance or aroma can lift a mood and put a spring in your step, but did you know that it has now been proven to be a fact?

Le Jardin Retrouvé (The Rediscovered Garden in English) is a French, family-owned and operated perfume house whose core value is to elevate the universal symbol of the garden as a place of refuge, beauty, poetry and protection from a stressful world. 

Its mission is to help its customers find a true state of well-being through Le Jardin Retrouvé perfumes, using precious, largely natural formulas that can enhance a positive mood. To achieve this, certifications have been obtained, both for the high natural content of ingredients, and for positively boosting mood from certain formulas.

How can mood-enhancing fragrances be tested scientifically?

Many perfume lovers know intuitively that fragrances have virtues that can positively influence mood. All that was left to do was to gather the scientific evidence of the connection between scent and the human brain, and to apply the rules in order to create fragrance like no other. Easier said than done!

This was made possible by the huge progress made in recent years in imaging – especially of the brain – and in data processing through algorithms.

Le Jardin Retrouvé has partnered with Givaudan who have been measuring the effects of fragrances on the brain of thousands of participants for years. This has resulted in patents that show that certain fragrance formulas, developed in accordance with these research findings, they do indeed help consumers experience positive moods.

So far, five of our fragrances have been crafted by Givaudan, each enhancing a specific type of mood such as energy (Mousse Arashiyama), joy (Osmanthe Liu Yuan also called O.L.Y.), wellbeing (Sandalwood Sacré) (Violette Kew) and sleep (Cuir de Russie).

Des fragrances qui améliorent l'humeur : C'est désormais officiel ! - Le Jardin Retrouvé

Mood Lifting Fragrances: Now it’s Official!

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