50ml Milan x
Le Jardin Retrouvé

We are lucky to have a strong network of retailers around the world that have fallen in love with the Le Jardin Retrouvé collection, so we wanted to celebrate one of those special collaborations this week, and help you to discover 50ml.
50ml is based in Milan and was launched in 2013 by brothers Fabio and Matteo Stringhini. This idea of a family working together very much mirrors our own company, and they each brought their own area of expertise to the business. Fabio is very focused on sales strategies thanks to his mathematical background, whereas Matteo is more of a creative with a particular interest in promotion and perfumery ingredients. While the business did originally begin as an online boutique, they’ve now expanded to a physical store at Viale Monte Nero 16.

“Leave any shyness at home, arm yourself with curiosity, and come visit us at our perfume store in Milan.”

From the first day that they started the online business, their goal was to provide guidance and information to virtual customers in the same way as a bricks and mortar store, and it’s this foundation that has seen them spectacularly succeed. From carefully choosing which brands to stock to recruiting a passionate and inspiring sales team, 50ml has become a must-visit location if you’re in Milan.
There truly are “leaders” in the perfume industry, whether that be fragrance houses, distributors or retailers, and 50ml is one of the most dynamic and creative. We are so thankful that Fabio and Matteo extend their passion and support to Le Jardin Retrouvé, and we were even more pleased to have our collection featured in their Milan boutique window during the whole week of Esxence!
50ml will be one of the first boutiques to have our new perfume Violette Kew when it launches at the end of May.
For more information about 50ml you can visit their website here
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